• Employee Web Portal

    Photo By: John Doe
  • Mission

    The Green Meadows School Mission is to work with home and community to provide a safe, caring and respectful environment while addressing individual differences so all students will succeed in reaching their potential.

    Core Values

    Learning is a life-long endeavor.
    Every individual is capable of learning and deserving of respect.
    Responsibility for an enriched education is vested in the individual, family, school, and community.

    Educational excellence is achievable in relation to individual potential.

    Education must prepare learners to live and work in a complex, ever-changing global society.

    Improvement in the educational system is an ongoing process of analysis, collaboration, re-assessment, and openness to change.
    Social and emotional well-being is important to the teaching and learning process.

    School News

      School Events



        To enroll a student, the parent/guardian must complete the registration steps.

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